
The Puslinch Pioneer relies on advertising sales to offset the costs of publishing. The size of the paper, for example, is determined by the number of pages of advertising sold.

Our publication is delivered directly to 3,200+ households as well as being available within the community.   It is a great way for you to reach out to market and sell your product or service. Residents tend to keep the paper so that when they are looking for something specific, they have the information readily at hand.

Not only do we sell advertising space, but we can include your flyer (up to three per issue).

If you have questions contact Dianne Churcher.



  • The Puslinch Pioneer is published 10 times/yr and distributed to every household – current distribution – 3,500, as well as being sent out electronically to subscribers
  • Produced by volunteers for the past 40 years, the Puslinch Pioneer is a non-profit organization
  • It has become a well-respected resource with Puslinch residents and businesses, with people reading it cover to cover, and keeping it on file.
  • This is a community where people prefer to shop local. The Pioneer links business to local residents.
  • Our advertising rates provide an economic way to reach potential customers with different options available.
Advertising Costs


Size One Time Cost
3 Month Bundle
6 Month Bundle
One Year (10 issues)
Back Page $135.00
Inside Back Page $125.00
Business Card $50.00 $145.00 $290.00 $450.00
1/4 Page $120.00 $345.00 $690.00 $1,150.00
1/3 Page $150.00 $445.00 $890.00 $1,450.00
1/2 Page $225.00 $670.00 $1,340.00 $2,150.00
Page $450.00 $1,300.00 $2,600.00 $4,300.00
p.Pulse $45.00
Flyer $200.00


Cost for flyers will be minimum of $200 and dependent on weight.

Community Notices

In order to share the space with the different events taking place in the community, we ask that the wording be limited to 50 words.

If the event is a for-profit event, there will be a charge of $25.

Church Notices

Again in order to share the space, please provide the following information only.

Name of church, location, contact information, name of minister, times of service.

If the church is holding a community event, it should be listed under community notices and follow the guidelines above.



Ad Sizes

Measurements in inches
Business card 2 h x 3.5 w
Quarter page 3.625”w x 4.875”h or 7.5”w x 2.3125”h
Half page 7.5”w x 4.875”h or 7.5”h X 3.5”w
Full page 7.50”w x 10.0”h
One Third Page  2.375”w x 10”h
Flyers 8 ½ x 11 – can print both sides
Marketplace 4 lines only ($4)


  • Digital ready ads, high resolution preferred
  • Flyers on coloured bond paper, 3,500 copies.
  • Community/church notices – no charge under 70 words

  • All prices are plus HST.
  • Payment is due upon receipt of invoice.
  • With one page/whole year booking, you have the option to pay monthly.
  • Payment with delivery of flyer
  • We accept VISA and Mastercard, cheques.




Artwork is required by 2nd Friday of month

Paper distributed last Monday of the month


Dianne Churcher

The Puslinch Pioneer reserves the right to refuse an advertisement that is deemed inappropriate, racist or promoting hate.

Vol.49 Issue 7 March 2025

Vol.49 Issue 7 March 2025

In this issue… Morriston Historical Walking Tour, Local resident writes book for children, Shop local, King Charles 111 Coronation Medals, Junior Garden Club, Human Trafficking in Guelph Wellington, Imaginary Play, and more.



The deadline for submissions for the May issue will be April 12th.