We have a team of volunteers who help to collate and stuff the publication. They meet on the last Monday of the month at Change of Pace restaurant, Morriston. To learn more, contact Stella O’Krafka at 519 658 4767.

We are always looking for volunteers to deliver the paper to several drop-off points – such as Moffat, the Aberfoyle Library, Aberfoyle Farmers’ Market, etc… Contact Stella O’Krafka at 519 658 4767.
Finding unique photos to accompany articles or for our cover page, can be challenging. If you are a keen photographer, who loves to take shots of Puslinch and our local events, we’d welcome your talents and contributions – contact us
Social Media
The Puslinch Pioneer can be found on Twitter and Facebook. Keeping these social media channels up to date and informative requires time. If this is an area that you are interested in, let us know.

Special Events
Often we have a booth at the Aberfoyle Farmers’ Market and at the Aberfoyle Fall Fair. Having extra people to help staff the booth would be most helpful.
We are always looking for writers to send in interesting and useful articles for our readers. Check out our Writers’ guidelines. To learn more, contact us.